


Student Life

Living the Dream

While Singapore American School has a rich legacy of academic excellence, we know there is more to our student experience than strong test results and exceptional college acceptances. Our alumni love to reminisce about Mr. Hoe’s cafeteria food, global travel opportunities, service projects, uniform styles, friendships, and all of the little moments that make our school such a wonderful place to be. We pay attention to the details so students have everything they need to succeed.

Student Publications

Students have the opportunity to discover a passion for journalism, photography, or graphic design and produce published works in the student-produced newspaper The Eye or the school yearbooks.

Academic Rigor Powered my Intellectual Curiosity

For 12 years SAS has raised me. The friends I made nurtured my optimistic personality, the outstanding teachers and academic rigor powered my intellectual curiosity, and the extracurricular programs encouraged me to pursue my passions. I fell in love with service, embraced the arts through dance, and experienced the life of a journalist through the school newspaper, The Eye. These are all activities I know I will continue to pursue. No matter where I am in the world, SAS will always be the place I call home.

Jeane Khang (Class of 2016)