


Early Learning Center FAQs

What are the school hours?

Preschool and pre-kindergarten students attend our early learning program daily from 8:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

What does a day in the life of an ELC student look like?

Learning happens in a variety of different ways throughout the day. There is flexibility in our daily schedule, offering our preschoolers time to be curious, to play, to wonder, to learn. The day will include a Chinese class, a moove and groove class, and morning and lunch breaks. 

What are the enrollment age requirements?

Preschool: Age three by September 1 
Pre-kindergarten: Age four by September 1

Successful toilet training is a requirement of entry. Your child will need to manage going to the toilet independently prior to his/her first day of school.

What are your class sizes?

There are 16 students to one teacher and one instructional aide. Our learning communities consist of 32 students, two teachers, and two instructional aides.

Do you have a school bus service for ELC students?

Yes our preschool and pre-kindergarten students can ride the school bus. For more information about Yeap transport, click here

Do you provide lunch?

Preschool (three years old) students must bring their own morning snack and have the option to purchase a set menu lunch from SAS.
Pre-kindergarten (four years old) students must bring their own morning snack and have the option to purchase a set menu lunch from SAS.

Is there a language program?

Students receive a daily Chinese language class.