Save the Date: Alumni Reunion Weekend 2025
May 23 to 25, 2025

Stay updated on all the action by bookmarking our Alumni Reunion Weekend page. From the event schedule to exclusive gathering opportunities, you'll find everything you need to make the most of this epic weekend! 

 Check out our Alumni Reunion Weekend page!


Find former classmates, reach out to alumni in your city, and stay informed about SAS alumni news and events

Give Back

Offer to be a mentor or find a mentor for yourself



Apply for or post internships and job opportunities, promote your alumni-owned business, and grow your professional network

Want to Visit Campus?

We love it when our alumni come back to visit! Please complete this visit request form at least 24 hours in advance. Unfortunately, alumni who do not complete this form in advance may not be granted access to campus. Please also note that alumni who have alumni ID cards still need to complete the visit request form as the card does not give alumni automatic access to campus. 

SAS Alumni Store

Interested in some SAS merchandise?
The US-based online SAS Alumni Store is now open! 

Alumni Advisory Council

Nineteen alumni spanning every decade from the 1960s through 2020s are serving in volunteer leadership roles to guide the future of alumni relations at SAS

Alumni City Club

A network of regional alumni communities led by passionate alumni volunteers in collaboration with the Office of Alumni Relations. They serve as a platform for alumni to connect, share feedback, and support one another while fostering lifelong relationships.

Upcoming Alumni Events

Join us for our upcoming alumni events where you can reconnect with old friends, relive cherished memories, and make meaningful connections that last a lifetime.


View archived SAS yearbooks, videos, photos, books,
alumni magazines, and alumni eNewsletters

If you previously accessed the alumni directory through the SAS Alumni Network, the platform has been greatly expanded. If you previously accessed another portal to view internships and yearbooks, it has been consolidated into the SAS Alumni Network.

Sign in via LinkedIn to sync your career information with your profile, or sign in using your email, Facebook, or Google account. Check out the mobile app through Google Play Store and the App Store.

Reconnect with former Eagles and establish trusted professional and personal associations with other members of the global SAS alumni network! 

Connect Now!


Let's keep in touch!

Facebook Instagram LinkedIn
Office of Alumni Relations
40 Woodlands Street 41
Singapore 738547
+65 6363 3404

Notable Alumni

Indéa Windust
  • Alumni

I’ll miss my advisory the most, because it was always entertaining and hilarious.

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Sai Diya Sen
  • Alumni

I wouldn’t have gotten to where I am today without the constant support of my teachers, and as I say my farewells, I know I want to keep in touch with the ones that truly made a difference in my life.

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Bo Pilarczyk
  • Alumni

From sixth grade cooking classes to Catalyst in high school, SAS consistently provides diverse avenues to hands-on creativity.

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Sydney Nimerick
  • Alumni

There is so much value in playing a sport, joining a service club, or participating in the arts.

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Rupert Lim
  • Alumni

I have grown to love learning all sorts of things, from the logical STEM topics to subjects that are more abstract and open to interpretation, such as English and music.

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Zi Ning Lau
  • Alumni

As my home for the past four years, the music program at SAS has fostered lifelong friendships and unforgettable memories.

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Yuzo Lai
  • Alumni

Above all, SAS has given me an understanding of the transformative power of creation—the indescribable exhilaration that accompanies the generation of work that is truly one's own.

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Rebecca Frey
  • Alumni

The thing I will miss most about SAS is the people. The variety of options at SAS means students are continually meeting new classmates and friends, even from other grades.

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