Middle School Educational Technology

At SAS, we constantly look through the lens of how technology can enhance learning and make it more personalized, collaborative, and relevant.

In each division, world-class educational technology coaches guide teachers, work with students, run digital citizen boot camps, host informational parent coffees, team up with our counselors, advise on digital media, and lead the way in creative approaches to teaching and learning that leverage and maximize the use of technology. Digital citizenship is woven into the curriculum at each grade and collaboratively taught by counselors, ed tech coaches, and teachers.

All middle school students attend a boot camp where they are provided with a school-issued laptop. They attend training sessions on how to use technology responsibly and safely and how to harness the power of technology to support their learning. Technology tools offer a myriad of ways to communicate with teachers and other students – whether it’s instant feedback on work, new ways to present projects, or publishing to the world through their blogs.


SAS teachers and staff have taught me many life lessons from cultural knowledge to leadership responsibilities in the infinite amount of programs available. Having been an SAS Eagle for almost seven years and an eighth grader in the middle school I have seen the amount of community and passion for not only learning but other life skills that involve deeper thinking and hard work.

Olivia Moody (Eighth Grade)