by Dr. Betsy Hall
TRi Time in Middle School

Questions and curiosity are more important than rote answers; understanding and wisdom are more important than mere knowledge.—Grant Lichtman

Middle school TRi Time is in progress and the school is buzzing with accomplishments, disappointments, excitement, hope, questions, doubts, and more! From now through December 14, over 960 students have agency over their own learning with over 100 teachers guiding them. They spend time every day in the middle school library, makerspace, art room, music rooms, gyms, dance studios, and spots all over the school working on their TRi Time investigations. 

The goal: Empowering middle schoolers to pursue their own curiosities and to design their own investigations to share with an authentic audience, weaving personalized inquiry into the fabric of the middle school. 

Timing: TRi Time takes place over three weeks each semester. At the end of the second semester of the TRi Time experience, students share their investigative process with an authentic audience of parents, teachers, and other students during student-led conferences. 

In its third year, TRi Time inspires students to question, investigate, create and reflect—in no particular order. How can you as a parent support TRi Time for your child at home? 

As your child shares their TRi Time insights and ideas with you, we encourage you to keep the lines of communication open. Instead of…

  • Having all the answers, ask your child questions about their investigation.
  • Talking to them, listen.
  • Focusing on a polished final product, think about the process your child is undergoing.
  • Determining whether an idea is good or bad, let the child figure it out.
  • Providing answers, allow your child to investigate.
  • Being an expert, be a co-learner.
  • Making assumptions, dig deeper!

Ultimately, we want our students to become lifelong learners capable of thinking critically, communicating clearly, collaborating with others, and harnessing their creativity. TRi Time provides the platform for these skills to flourish!


  • create
  • inquiry-based learning
  • investigate
  • middle school
  • personalized learning
  • question
  • reflect
  • tri-time



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