High School Administration
Nicole Veltzé (Principal)
Laura Mohl (Deputy principal for faculty and staff)
Anthony Poullard (Deputy principal for grades nine and ten)
Lance Murgatroyd (Deputy principal for grades eleven and twelve)
High school student life, activities, and athletics:
Renée Green (Dean of student life)
Justin Teves (Activities and athletics director)
Tracy van der Linden (Activities director)
Community engagement team:
Julia Harrison (Director of Community Engagement)
Gina Elzoheiry (Booster President)
Susie Kim and Surita Talwar (PTA representative for high school)
Upcoming events for high school parents:
Tuesday, September 14: Senior parents information meeting (Grade twelve)
Tuesday, September 14: The changing landscape of US college admissions (Grades nine through twelve)
Monday, October 4: High school parent coffee
Tuesday, October 5: High school college parent coffee (Grades nine through twelve)
Thursday, October 7 and Friday, October 8: Parent-teacher conferences
Proactive communication and education:
For parents:
• eNews
• PTA Coffees
• College counseling parent coffees
• Personal academic counselor (PAC) parent coffees
• Resources to support discussion: letters, videos, articles
For students:
• High school bulletin
• Advisory lessons
• Grade-level seminars
• Quarterly grade-level assemblies
◦ Grades nine and ten
◦ Grades eleven and twelve
What upcoming topics would you like to learn more about in service of our culture of extraordinary care, excellence, and possibilities?
Please share any topics that you would be most interested in learning about over the course of the year to support your understanding and to support your student.
- administration
- communication
- high school
- parent coffee
- student life