Didi Hari Krishnan

Every week, our educators will answer several questions that have consistently emerged in our parent community. This week high school principal Stephen Ly shares the reasons behind the recent changes to the high school bell schedule that will go into effect on Monday, September 7.

1. Why are we making the schedule adjustments?
We are ready to move to a schedule that will help us to focus on bringing a bit more flexibility for students. Students will start their day with Block 1 instead of advisory. They will also get a 40-minute lunch break instead of a 25-minute lunch break.

More details on the four major changes available here.

  • SAS Asks
  • covid-19
  • high school
  • lunch
  • schedule



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Didi Hari Krishnan

Did you miss the high school PTA parent coffee on Monday, December 6? Our high school leadership team and high school students shared how we support student wellness in the high school and how we respond to student data and trends. Parents also shared tips and strategies with each other to support our students at home.