


by Dr. Jennifer Sparrow

This feature was first published in Journeys Winter 2019.

I am excited to help our community better understand the learning process at Singapore American School through our new series, Learning at SAS! In bite-sized articles, along with videos, podcasts, and links to further reading, I will explain the most important aspects of how teachers teach and students learn in SAS classes and activities. Our Learning at SAS articles will appear in eNews once or twice each month, and I hope you will take a few minutes to read each one. 

Our first few articles have already been published—if you missed them, you can catch up on the school website at We began the series by explaining what we believe are the most important skills our students need
in order to lead productive, fulfilling lives in the 21st century. From this introduction to our desired student learning outcomes (DSLOs), we will move on to examining the particulars of each outcome so parents can understand just what skills we are aiming to develop in each student, and how we do so across divisions and subject areas. 

Later in the series, we will investigate other important elements of our educational and activities programs, including why and how we personalize learning, how teachers use professional learning communities (PLCs), how a standards-based approach and high-impact instructional practices improve learning, the role of pastoral care at SAS, and more. We plan to publish around 15 articles between October and June. 

While working on this project, I am enjoying the opportunity to step back and reassess the “big picture” of educational life at SAS as I brainstorm topics, interview teachers and students, and visit classrooms and learning communities. I look forward to hearing from parents or other community members who have questions about these subjects, at I hope that you enjoy the series and that it gives you extra insight into the Eagle educational experience! 

  • DSLOs
  • PLCs
  • Video
  • article
  • learning at SAS
  • podcast



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