Publications and Media

The SAS Scoop

As the largest single campus international school in the world, there is no shortage of excitement, events, and happenings around campus. We keep our community connected to the daily happenings around campus through a variety of print and digital mediums.

Social Media

Connect with SAS on your favorite social media platform to celebrate all things SAS, stay in the know for upcoming activities, and see photos of campus life. We are on FacebookLinkedInInstagramTwitter, and YouTube. Post your own SAS photos and join the conversation by using the hashtag #SASedu!

News and Stories Archive

Stay up to date with the latest events, games, and concerts for every division here in the news and stories section.


SAS in the News

From our eco-friendly practices, to star athletes, amazing programs, and strategic education advancement – we are fortunate to have students and teachers earn great features in news outlets around the world.


Press Releases

Meaningful work, exciting projects, and noteworthy success stories are highlighted regularly as we publish press releases to shine some light on our amazing community.


SAS Reimagined

Our SAS Reimagined page gives you a glimpse of our campus upgrade project. Get progress updates or learn more about our new spaces!


Journeys Online

Journeys Online is our school magazine and is updated throughout the year with divisional and counseling articles, quick reads, videos, printables, and more. Links to past print Journeys issues and Perspectives posts may also be accessed here. The summer issue of Journeys will continue to be printed and sent out to families, as a special tribute to our graduating seniors and alumni.



Annual Report

The annual report is a comprehensive report on our activities throughout the preceding year. The report gives information about the school's activities and financial health, and helps us determine whether we are meeting our goals for student learning.


Operations at SAS

(previously Finance at SAS)

The Operations at SAS series provides parents with greater clarity around financial decisions made by the school leadership, covering a broad range of finance-related topics such as the annual budget, financial investments, the endowment, class size, financial aid, enrollment and school income from non-tuition related sources, just to name a few.


SAS eNews

The SAS eNews goes out via email every Friday during the school year with information that is timely, relevant, and of interest to members of the SAS community.

The PTA and Booster eNews is also emailed to the school community throughout the school year with information about upcoming events relating to these parent organizations.

SAS Communications

Have questions, comments, or notice any errors? Please email us at

A Peek Behind the Scenes


million page views on the SAS website annually


eNews lands in inboxes keeping parents up to date on events around campus


Facebook followers are treated to a variety of posts that peek inside daily life at SAS


Journeys is released annually and covers everything from school strategy to sports

In the Loop


The most eye-opening part of volunteering in the communications department has been realizing how much communicating there is to do at SAS. As a parent I've always received eNews and emails relevant for our grade, but there is so much more. They are constantly creating articles, blog posts, newsletters, marketing materials, videos, not to mention maintaining hundreds of pages on the website. I've been amazed at the volume, variety, and quality of their output!

Jodi Jonis, SAS parent