


About Our American School

Mission and Vision

Singapore American School is committed to providing each student an exemplary American educational experience with an international perspective.

A World Leader in Education

Cultivating Exceptional Thinkers

Prepared for the Future

Excellence, Extraordinary Care, and Possibilities

Possibilities don’t make school easier, but they make it different and provide personal awakenings for kids who are looking for more. The direction SAS is taking reflects what made us one of the most desirable international schools in the first place.

A History of Excellence


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SAS was founded by a group of pioneering American parents


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colleges and universities currently being attended by SAS graduates


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clubs, service organizations, and after-school activities offered from K-12


percentile or higher in all MAP testing subjects worldwide



SAS is an amazing "one of a kind" school. The true measure of excellence is in the detail and their ability to address the needs of every child. This is not a school that addresses only the exceptional and problem children, they manage to reach all of the children. Amazing.

Tobin Beal, SAS PArent