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Welcome to the Eagle Way

At Singapore American School, students are encouraged to think outside the box rather than fitting a predetermined mold. Our experienced and passionate teachers engage students by personalizing learning pathways and offering exciting and challenging courses at all levels. A fulfilling mix of academic and co-curricular activities helps our Eagles find their true selves and develop the skills and interests to pursue their dreams.

10 Reasons to Join SAS

Inspiring Teachers

Our qualified teachers also stay for an average of seven years, one of the highest retention rates in international schools.

Outstanding Student Results

We don’t just claim your kids will get a top-notch education, we prove it.

Extraordinary Care

Research is clear. The student-teacher relationship has the greatest impact on student learning, even beyond curriculum.

Top University Admission

Top-notch academics combined with an experienced team of high school counselors help students navigate the process of selecting and applying to best-fit universities.

Tried and True History

For almost six decades, SAS has transformed the real-life stories of more than 20,000 students and alumni worldwide.

Trust School

SAS is not backed by a company or accountable to shareholders. We are a true community school.

World-Class Facilities

We won the jackpot when Singapore offered us our beautiful 36-acre campus.

Committed to Innovation

The world is changing, and SAS is responding. We are researching innovative ways to prepare students for the future and implementing revolutionary flexibility to make that possible.

Personalized Learning

At SAS, we offer high levels of challenge and support to fit a wide variety of learning styles, reflecting the world students will eventually work in and lead.

American Spirit

The heart of an American education has everything to do with options, choices, and possibilities.

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    About SAS


    Singapore American School is known for an unmistakable culture of excellence, extraordinary care, and possibilities. We nurture in our students a passion for and commitment to deep intellectual and personal exploration. SAS students grow up in a community where every student learns at high levels, every student is known and advocated for, and every student personalizes their learning.